What Can I Do to Reduce My Risk of Skin Cancer?

What Can I Do to Reduce My Risk of Skin Cancer?

You can prevent skin cancer with a few important habits and actions to protect your skin. It can feel overwhelming to learn about skin cancer, but prevention is within your control! It’s absolutely possible to enjoy the sun and spend time outdoors, while still practicing sun safety, to reduce your chance of getting skin cancer. Protecting your skin also helps prevent signs of aging like […]

Skin Cancer Facts 101

Skin Cancer Facts 101

What is skin cancer? Simply put, skin cancer is any cancer that begins in your skin. As skin cancer grows, it can spread to other parts of the body or organs as it spreads.  Two main types of skin cancer: Malignant Melanoma: This form of skin cancer is the most dangerous and forms within the cells that generate skin pigment. Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer: These cancers […]

How to Treat Acne Scars

How to Treat Acne Scars

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars If you’re worried about acne scarring and pigmentation from past acne, know that there are treatments available to effectively treat your scars. Whether you have indented (atrophic) scars, raised (hypertrophic) scars, or pigmentation, innovative treatment solutions use your body’s natural processes to promote cell turnover, target pigmentation and other useful tools.  Why do I have acne scars? Scars […]