Expression Lines
Expression Lines
Forehead Wrinkles
Forehead Wrinkles
Crows Feet
Crows Feet

Fine lines and wrinkles are natural, though there are solutions available to men and women who wish for a softer facial aesthetic.

Expression lines develop as a result of repetitive movement of facial muscles. When we express ourselves with a frown or a laugh or a pout, muscles contract and lines can be seen. These are considered dynamic wrinkles and are often only visible while making an expression.The most familiar expression lines are the 11’s between the eyebrows, crows feet around the eyes, and creases on the upper forehead. Over time, these dynamic wrinkles may become static or permanent, so preventative treatment is also available at dermatology on bloor.


At Dermatology on Bloor we offer a number of solutions to improve the concern of expression lines, deep wrinkles or folds. To determine which treatment, or combination of treatments, is right for you, schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our expert cosmetic dermatologists.

Solutions We Offer