Cellulite affects 1.4 billion women (and some men, too) around the world, so if you’re troubled by the signature dimples and puckering of this pesky but extremely common condition, you’re not alone. Appearing most often on the buttocks and thighs, cellulite is not medically dangerous, but the visible effects can often impact body image and self-esteem, so much so that 98% of women who are concerned by their cellulite are motivated to do something about it.
What is cellulite?
We all have a layer of fat just beneath our skin that’s necessary to cushion our organs and regulate our body temperature. We also have a network of collagen fibres that give structure to our skin. Sometimes, when fat cells become enlarged, they push against the skin, causing these fibrous bands to pull the skin down. This creates the visible dimpling effect we’ve come to recognize as cellulite.
For many years we believed that cellulite only affects those who are overweight or obese, but we know now that women of all ages, ethnicities, shapes, and sizes are impacted by the condition. We don’t know exactly what causes cellulite, but we do know that factors like genetics, hormones, and lifestyle can contribute to its appearance. Because it’s not a problem of the skin’s surface, most treatments—including creams, serums, and devices promising incredible results—have proven ineffective; until Cellfina came along.
How to get rid of cellulite with Cellfina™
Health Canada approved and FDA-cleared, Cellfina is a minimally-invasive treatment clinically-proven to treat the primary structural cause of cellulite. It works by releasing the fibrous bands that cause the dimpling in our skin to reveal a smooth, sleek contour.
Performed on an outpatient basis at our Toronto clinic, the procedure typically takes about an hour. While you lie in a comfortable position on your stomach, a local numbing agent is administered and your problematic puckers are marked. Your physician then uses a needle-sized instrument to free the bands just below the surface of the skin, causing the skin to bounce up and smooth out. This process is repeated until all areas are treated.
Following your treatment there is limited downtime. You may notice some residual tenderness, swelling, or bruising, but in general you can return to most normal activities, though we recommend refraining from strenuous exercise for a few days. Noticeable results can be seen in as little as three days after treatment, and will continue to improve over the following weeks. The best part? Many patients only require one treatment for satisfactory results, and those results have been shown to last up to three years! <insert before and after images>
Dermatology on Bloor was the first dermatology clinic in Canada to offer Cellfina. Our expert physicians offer experience and expertise with the technology to help you achieve the results you are looking for. If you’re interested in learning more, schedule a complimentary consultation with our resident Cellfina expert, Dr. Sam Hanna, today.