We’ve reviewed the reviews. Here’s what you should know!
It’s easy to find the facts about Ultherapy® online. You may know that Ultherapy uses ultrasound energy to boost collagen production and tighten skin. But what are patients saying about Ultherapy? Sifting through reviews can be dizzying – but at Dermatology on Bloor we’re familiar with Ultherapy®, and we’ve done some of the legwork for you. We’ve heard and seen it all, read the reviews, and we know what a professional, successful Ultherapy experience is like.
Here are some things we think you might like to know about Ultherapy:
» There’s some interesting technology involved.
During Ultherapy treatment, your specialist uses a screen with a map of your face to target the right tissues and treat your concerns with ultimate precision.
» Ultherapy doesn’t require surgery.
Even though Ultherapy changes skin from the inside out, in general, it is not a painful procedure. Some patients describe discomfort which only lasts during the ultrasound, and the way it feels depends on your own skin’s sensitivity. We’re happy to discuss ways to make treatment as comfortable as possible for you.
» Focus on your target area.
When you come into Derm on Bloor for a consultation, we’ll figure out exactly which areas concern you and make a specialized treatment plan just for you. Prices are dependent on which areas you’re treating; we understand that every treatment needs to be performed intentionally with your goals in mind.
» You may feel tingly.
Even though Ultherapy is non-invasive, it’s normal to have some redness and tenderness following treatment that generally subsides within a few hours.
» Most patients only need one treatment!
Again, this depends on your skin type and personal goals, but many patients only need one treatment session, which generally lasts a few hours. After this, you can go back to your regularly scheduled activities.
» Ultherapy keeps transforming your skin after the treatment.
Patients and reviewers mention that their favourite things about Ultherapy is the way that your skin keeps improving following treatment. Boosted collagen production means that you’ll likely notice a continual change in your skin in the months following your treatment; waking up every morning to fresh skin!