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What is Nd:YAG Laser?

The Nd:YAG Laser is a medical grade light-based laser treatment system optimized to treat the widest range of today’s most common non-surgical aesthetic concerns. It can improve a multitude of issues including: veins, pigmentation, hair removal, skin revitalization, and wrinkles. At Derm on Bloor, we use the Nd:YAG Laser to effectively treat unsightly veins. This laser treatment effectively destroys the unwanted blood vessels that sit too close to the surface of the skin.

How does Nd:YAG Laser work?

Nd:YAG Laser uses thermal heating to gently heat layers of tissues deep within the skin. The device will be held up to the area where you have noticeable veins. The heat from the laser delivers pulses of light, causing the blood in the veins to coagulate. These pulses may cause mild discomfort and feel like small pin pricks. Eventually this pulsation destroys the vessel which is reabsorbed back into the body, allowing blood to naturally redirect to veins that are deeper below the skin’s surface. Nd:YAG Laser does not require any incisions or anesthetics. It is a noninvasive treatment. This treatment also naturally replenishes structural proteins.

Recovery & Results

Nd:YAG Laser treatment has minimal downtime and you can return to your regular daily activities immediately. You may experience some subtle redness or bruising directly following the treatment. Small red veins close to the skin’s surface may disappear immediately, with other veins showing significant improvement within two to six weeks of treatment. With every subsequent session, you will notice subtle improvements. Most patients prefer to have multiple follow-up treatments. Nd:YAG Laser is a safe and effective way to reverse skin damage.

Laser therapy can effectively trigger the rejuvenation of collagen, melanin and elastin for long-lasting results and remove unsightly veins from any part of the body without complications.

Nd:YAG Laser can treat the following concerns: