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What is CO2 Laser Resurfacing?

CO2 lasers were originally designed to treat wrinkles and acne scars. CO2 Laser Resurfacing uses advanced technology to effectively treat fine lines and wrinkles, scars, sun damage, textural abnormalities and more.

How does CO2 Laser Resurfacing work?

CO2 Laser Resurfacing selectively singles out a fraction of skin cells at the treatment site, targeting specific cell groups and resurfacing damaged skin. This process triggers new healthy skin growth and intensive healing. Targeting these damaged cells stimulates fresh healthy cell growth with a speed and accuracy unmatched by other lasers. This could be likened to pulling weeds out a garden so flowers can grow, or picking the dead leaves off a plant to regenerate healthy growth.

CO2 Laser Resurfacing allows us to be precise and versatile during treatment. We can choose from a broad scope of settings that allow us to specialize our approach to each patient’s needs. Unlike fractional lasers, which apply micro beams in a grid-like pattern, CO2 Laser Resurfacing applies beams in a more randomized pattern, decreasing the amount of heat absorbed by surrounding tissue. Patented Controlled Chaos Technology (CCT™) generates random energy delivery patterns to maximize patient comfort. This advancement reduces the number of times that the laser needs to pass over the same targeted area.

In general, treatment with CO2 Laser Resurfacing is somewhat uncomfortable but not painful. Some patients describe the feeling like a tiny rubber band snapping against the skin or a warm miniature pinprick. 

Recovery & Results

CO2 Laser Resurfacing shortens healing time and reduces obstacles to recovery. It is a low-risk procedure with minimal downtime. Following treatment your skin will heal faster than it would with other lasers. You may experience mild swelling or puffiness and some redness or crusting as your skin regenerates. Some patients take a few days off work in order to rest. Most patients experience positive results after one treatment. As you recover you will find your wrinkles are smoother, your skin texture is more even and your complexion has a fresher and more youthful appearance.

CO2 Laser Resurfacing can treat the following concerns: